Aquarius Sabian Symbols
Aquarius Sabian Symbols
1 An old adobe mission.
Starting from the very basic technical elements.
2 An unexpected thunderstorm.
The uncertainties of life.
3 A deserter from the navy.
Unthinkable rebellion.
4 A Hindu healer.
Applying ancient wisdom.
5 A council of ancestors.
Connection to the past.
6 A performer of a mystery play.
An agent of cosmic forces.
7 A child born of an eggshell.
Unusual ideas with unusual results.
8 Beautifully gowned wax figures.
Novel creatures. Innovating the human.
9 A flag turned into an eagle.
Growing the wings to fly.
10 A popularity that proves ephemeral.
The need to tie life to a higher purpose.
11 Man tête-à-tête with his inspiration.
Your calling keeps calling. Answer.
12 People on stairs graduated upwards.
Raising your consciousness.
13 A barometer.
Understanding cosmic energies. Measuring cosmic influence.
14 A train entering a tunnel.
Going deep. Piercing thoughts. Perceptiveness.
15 Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
Romance as friendship.
16 A big-businessman at his desk.
In your power.
17 A watchdog standing guard.
Mental alertness. Sharpness of instincts
18 A man unmasked.
Truth about humanity revealed.
19 A forest fire quenched.
Managing cosmic forces.
20 A big white dove, a message bearer.
Symbolism and practicality combined.
21 Woman disappointed, disillusioned.
Some things you have to learn the hard way.
22 A rug placed on a floor for children to play.
Laying the foundations.
23 A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
Cosmic consciousness has various shapes and forms.
24 Man turning his back on his passions teaches from his experience.
Beautiful intelligence.
25 A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
Being the odd one out can be beautiful. Defect is effect. Uniqueness.
26 A hydrometer.
Technology, innovation, science.
27 An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.
Innovation on traditions
28 A tree felled and sawed.
Cutting the cord. Radical change.
29 Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
Transformation. New birth.
30 The field of Ardath in bloom.
The craddle of civilization.