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How the Uranus x Mars x NN Conjunction Played Out in the News


August 2, 2022

We are 10 days past the Uranus x Mars x North Node conjunction and it is time to take a look at how this event played out in the news. What was its impact on a mundane level?

1. Reckless, Chaotic Political Reversals

Most certainly, the top story was U.S House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. Interestingly, the first reports of the possibility of her visiting Taipei emerged shortly after Mars enetered Taurus on July 5th. As Mars was moving towards Uranus, these reports moved more and more in focus. At first, it was a speculation, then a guess (will she, won't she) and then it turned into a full-blown crisis with Nancy Pelosi actually landing in Taipei.

Of note! Nancy Pelosi's natal chart is very interesting. She has her natal Uranus at 18/19 of Taurus, just where this conjunction is taking place. Let that sink in - the Mars x Uranus x North Node conjunction is happening right on her natal Uranus!

Also of note - the last time we had a Mars x Uranus conjunction in Taurus was in April of 1938 - a little over a year before the official start of World War II. At that time, the South Node was also in Taurus but some degrees apart.

Pelosi's visit provoked a very negative reaction from China which claims Taiwan as its territory. In response to the visit, the Chinese army began military exercises around Taiwan which lasted for an entire week demonstrating China's military might and resolve to take Taiwan.

Are we looking at the start of World War III a year from now?

Only time will tell.

2. A Food-related Reversal

Uranus is a planet of reversals and Taurus is a sign associated with agriculture and food. It was in the last days of July and the early days of August that a deal was brokered between Ukraine and Russia in Turkey and the first shipment of grain left Ukraine's Odessa port, promising relief for nations that import the majority of their grain from Ukraine.

The grain that was blocked in Ukraine because of the war left millions of people in danger of food shortages and sent food prices skyrocketing. Since the start of the war, there has been talk of how this blockade will eventually lead to people dying from hunger, yet no one seemed to be taking the trouble of trying to broker a deal and it didn't seem like Russia and Ukraine will sit down and talk this issue out.

Yet, here comes Mars to jolt Uranus, activating its reversal powers and ... a reversal we get.

3. Technological Breakthroughs

The news broke out last week that a South Korean university has developed a nanotech tattoo which doubles as a health monitoring device. Meaning that now you can get tattooed (not chipped but tattooed) with a special ink and that ink will transmit your vital stats to external audiences.

This could help people at risk of a sudden heart attack becuase the nanotech tattoo can potentially alert their caregiver or their family that something is wrong and the person can get help in time.

But there are ways that this technology can be utilized for control of the population. Imagine if the government knew every time you get excited about something...

4. The App that Monitors Everyone

Earlier this week, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey retweeted a video of a woman explaining how the Chinese government is forcing people to install a COVID app which tracks their every move and categorises people in different ranks. His comment was: "End the CCP".

Uranus is technology (apps) but it is also grassroots action. It is rebellion, it is related to standing up to those in power. Also, social media.

5. Volcanos & Earthquakes

Traditionally, Mars x Uranus contacts have been associated with volcano eruptions and earthquakes. And we saw these in the news - a volcano erupted in Iceland and earthquakes struck the Philippines and Nepal.

6. Expect the Unexpected

And while there are things we know we can expect with Mars x Uranus aspects, Uranus remains the planet of surprises and unpredictable events. Lesotho, case in point. Lesotho is a small kingdom in Africa which ... enjoyed some snow... Snow in Africa in the middle of the summer... With Uranus in the mix, expect the unexpected.