The past shapes the present. The present shapes the future.

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
A woman sits on a stone seat with two pillars behind her. The upright sword in her right hand and the pair of scales in her left suggest being able to pierce the illusion of reality to understand the true cause of events, or universal justice. The purple veil draped between the pillars suggests a spiritual dimension granting inner wisdom. The background, the scales, the crown and the hair in this card are yellow, signifying mental clarity. Physical endurance is shown by the red cloak, and the pillars symbolise the structure we can build up around our beliefs about life. The challenge in Justice is to make a fair and just decision. The upright sword displays its double edge, showing an understanding of the duality of life and the need to take responsibility for your part in the cause of your present circumstances.
The woman in this card is aware of the seeds she planted in the High Priestess, and that they are growing steadily. It is time to be aware that you reap what you sow. Actions have consequences, and when circumstances appear unfavourable (as in the Wheel of Fortune reversed) you either have something to learn from this situation or it is a result of your previous actions. Once the choice is made it affects your future. Your present decisions shape your future. Justice is a card for the astrological sign of Libra, along with the Empress, the Queen of Pentacles and, to a lesser degree, the Swords Court cards. Part of the lesson for Libra involves making a just and fair decision, taking responsibility for your circumstances and deciding what you will do about them. Librans sometimes take a long time to make important decisions as they contemplate the consequences of each alternative.
General meaning The Justice card indicates that events have worked out as they were meant to. That is, your past decisions or actions have led you to this point. You have what you deserve and, if you are completely honest with yourself, you know this. It represents a time for absolute honesty with yourself and with the people around you. It is time to take responsibility for yourself and the decisions that have led you to this point. Your future can be changed by your present decisions, actions or understanding. The Justice card can also suggest legalities or a legal decision in your favour, or the purchase of something which requires the signing of legal documents. It may mean successfully resolving an argument or disagreement, or taking responsibility for your part in a situation. This card can refer to balancing material possessions, or balancing your spiritual scales or karma. If Justice appears with the Six of Wands it can suggest a job promotion, which is the result of decisions or past actions (that is, hard work bringing rewards). Relationship meaning The Justice card can suggest marriage when it appears in a layout accompanied by the Two of Cups, Ten of Cups and sometimes the Three of Cups. It can indicate legal documents being signed, such as occurs during a house purchase or business negotiations. The relationship partners may be involved in a business venture together and the Justice card reflects this. It can also indicate that you have resolved an argument with your partner, or that you have an attitude of total honesty and responsibility towards your partner and your relationship. Justice reversed When the Justice card is reversed it suggests injustice. For instance, a legal situation which drags on and does not reach an early resolution, an ongoing argument or disagreement, or blame instead of responsibility. You still receive what you give, or harvest what you plant, except that it is unlikely to be an enjoyable harvest. If life appears to be unjust or unfair at the moment, perhaps there is an opportunity to learn something about the seeds you previously planted. Justice reversed signifies a possible dishonesty with yourself or with other people, and an unwillingness to trace the cause of present events, preferring instead to blame others for your predicament. By doing this you risk missing an opportunity for a greater understanding of yourself and your life. This is not a time to look to others to save you, but a time to save yourself. The laws of karma apply even when this card is reversed, and will hold you to someone or to a situation until you perceive it clearly and resolve that which you have begun. When you leave a situation unresolved, it (or a similar situation) returns to you so that you learn the lesson. Sometimes the reversed Justice card highlights the need to return to the upright Wheel of Fortune. This may allow you to wait for your next personal spring, when new opportunities once again present themselves. In a relationship layout the reversed Justice card can describe a slow resolution to issues. As an answer to a question about a reconciliation after a separation it indicates that a reunion is unlikely to occur.
In Tarot readings one should always pay very careful attention to the card of Justice. Its appearance indicates first of all that events have worked out in the way they were 'meant' to work out; that is, what is happening to you comes from situations and decisions in the past. You have what you deserve. Secondly it indicates a need and a possibility for seeing the truth of this outcome. The card sig�nifies absolute honesty. At the same time it shows the possibility that your actions in the future can be changed by a lesson learned in the present situation.
Reversed, the card indicates dishonesty with yourself and others. It shows an unwillingness to see the meaning of events and shows especially that you are missing some opportunity for a greater understanding of yourself and your life. On the outer level it indicates dishonesty and unfair actions or decisions. Sometimes it is others who are unfair to us. The reversed meaning can refer also to unjust legal decisions or to bad treatment from someone.
'Nothing can save you but yourself' .