ruled by the Sun

The sun sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and named after the king of all animals - the Lion. All planets in our system orbit around the Sun, all animals bow down to the Lion. Right off the bat, we are talking about someone with regal air and presence that just demands attention and respect.
It is easy to come across someone like that and instantly brand them as arrogant but that description would miss the point. Leos feel important. That's why they look important. And the reason they feel important is because they were born with a deep-seated need to do something worthwhile, something that would stand the test of time, something that could be called a legacy. They have big dreams and big plans.
Leo season coincides with the peak of the summer season - the part of the year when all nature is most abundant with life. Because of that, there is an overwhelming sense that this period is "the time of our lives", the time after all preparations and dress rehearsals, the time after which Mother Nature will slowly begin to die into the cold barren winter. Do you already feel the stage fright? The audience is seated, the curtains are up, the camera is rolling, action. This is it, the moment we've all been waiting for, it's show time.
Leos carry themselves with dignity and noblesse that some may call egoism and haughtiness. Don't forget that it is dignity and noblesse that ensure Leos are not small-minded. They are idealistic and repulsed by the idea of belittling other people. Even in the most uncomfortable of situations, Leos remain magnanimous.
In general, people born under the sign of Leo, are go-getters. They make great leaders and managers. With their eyes on the prize, they are able to put in many hours of hard work into a project and bring the team across the finish line. Just like the animal, they can laze and gaze for long periods but when they do get to work, they are persistent and determined. They are a fixed sign after all!
When it comes to relationships, Leos love to court and be courted. Their motto is "I'll be your King, you be my Queen" (or vice versa). When they enter a romantic partnership with someone, they invite that person into their kingdom to share into the big dreams and important missions. They like compliments and knowing that their partner understands how special they are. They like romance but once they commit to a partner, they are loyal and dedicated. Cheating and game-playing are below their level. "Why would I be cheating? Having me is a privilege which, if I don't think you deserve, I will simply revoke. Sharing myself and my kingdom with many people (whether at the same time or not) cheap-ens me and that's just the thing I never wish to see." Remember that phrase: "having me is a privilege". If their partner shows even the slightest signs that he or she is losing interest in the Lion/Lioness, the Lion/Lioness will lose their interest five times faster.
Leos do everything in a dramatic and somewhat theatrical manner. Not so much because they want attention (though they do) but because their philosophy about life is that it just HAS to be dramatic. Many people born under this sign go through life situations as if there is a camera somewhere, as if everything they do and everything that is being done to them is photographed and will remain forever in history or in the minds of the audience. That's why they watch their behavior and make sure their conduct matches the high expectations they have for themselves.
Leos feel most at home when they are under the spotlight. In its low manifestation, this sign can be too proud, self-confident, vain and demanding of others and of the whole world. Nothing is worthy and good enough for them. In its positive manifestation, this sign ennobles everyone and everything they touch. They lead with their heart and color their surroundings with a hint of royalty that lifts everyone's spirit.