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Mundane Astrology:

Saturn in Pisces


February 19, 2023

It is the end of February 2023 and we find ourselves writing the last lines of the Saturn in Aquarius chapters of our lives. It's been a challenging 3-year transit not only for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) but for everyone because as it was transiting Aquarius, Saturn was locked in a tight square to Uranus in Taurus. But in a few weeks, we are opening a whole new chapter. The title? Saturn in Pisces.

Traditionally, in astrology, Saturn is opposite the Sun and the Moon (it rules the signs opposite the signs ruled by the Sun and Moon). So we are tempted to say that Saturn and the Sun are opposites in the same way in which Leo is the opposite of Aquarius or that Saturn and the Moon are opposites because they rule the opposing Cancer and Capricorn.

But consider this.

Saturn is about maturity, sobriety, understanding that the legacy you leave behind is more important than deriving pleasure form the process. It is about boundaries, order, structure.

Pisces (ruled by Neptune) is the boundless ocean. There are no boundaries there. Water has no structure, it knows no discipline.

Saturn creates fixtures. The ocean does not know this concept.

So in many ways, Saturn and Pisces are opposing energies. And they are about to clash at 1 degree of Aries, on the world axis. This will be the culmination, the begining of the process is when Saturn enters Pisces (and begins to catch up with Neptune) in March of 2023.

Since 2013, Neptune has been in Pisces causing an overflow of Piscean/Neptunian energy.

What is that?

Well, Pisces is associated with religion (opium of the masses), mass media, illusions, delusions, marginalised communities (LGBTQI+ ; refugees), cinema, video... everything that requires you to relinquish control, switch off your brain and just go with the flow (that is directed by someone else). And we have seen the explosion of LGBTQI/refugee topics, Netflix, marihuana. We are also seeing how removed from the truth mass media has become. Pisces and Neptune are all about globalism. About all becoming one, erasure of borders and boundaries.

Saturn is the conservative father of the zodiac. He likes structure, discipline, calling things their real names and adhering to traditions.

Politically, we will probably see an escalation of the conflict in South China Sea (China's Great Wall is monumnet to Saturnian values; Pisces - Sea), increase in de-globalisation (re-inforcement of boundaries/Saturn), decrease in the hype around marginalised communities (renewed focus on the traditional indigenous population of the land to whom the local political elite should have more loyalty than to foreign people/elites), decrease in the coverage around topics like mental health (probably because people will start having "real world problems" like poverty and belt-tightening prices in comparison to which mental health, in and of itself an important topic, will seem minor).

Saturn vs Neptune (the conjunction will take place in 2025 at 1 of Aries but the interaction of the two energies begins with Saturn's entry into Pisces) is the globalist agenda vs the conservative, nationalist/patriotic, borders-based worldviews. Saturn x Neptune = re-formaing, re-structuring, dissolution and recombination.

We will see governments (Saturn) turning their focus to the seas (Pisces) which could mean increased fight for fish or oil or just water territory. Pisces is associated with the internet, so increased government control and regulation on social media, online trade. Division of the internet - Russia and China already have their own internets; in the West many Russian/Chinese websites are banned - we will see more of that. Pisces is associated with psychedelics, so marihuana will be more in focus. Governmets will probably clash with the pharmaceutical industry (also of the nature of Pisces and Neptune).

With Neptune in Pisces for now over 10 years, this is an area of our lives where we have grown dangerously "comfortable" but detached from reality - Saturn will begin a grounding process. I can't sell you the pretty, reliving lie that it will be a soft landing.

But consider this!

Saturn embodies the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism.

Neptune embodies softness, dissolution, ego-death (opium of the masses).

Saturn says: "Hold yourself together".

Neptune says: "Oh, my child, do let go. Let the flow carry you! Come into the embrace of union. Be one with everything."

Saturn says: "Hold life by the reigns".

Neptune says: "Leave it. Life will figure itself out".

Saturn insists that there is a way things should be done.

Neptune doesn't see the point of doing anything (go with the flow), man-made power struggles for territory and money seems pointless in the grand scheme of things.

This is the civilisational drama of Saturn vs Neptune.

Saturn wants to build.

Neptune wants to wash away.

The final act is in 2025. On the world axis. But what's really more interesting is how this story line feeds into the Pluto in Aquarius story. Read here.