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Sagittarius Sabian Symbols

August 23, 2022

1 A Grand Army of the Republic campfire.

The unofficial, spiritual side of the ruling elite.

2 The ocean covered with whitecaps.

The wisdom of water.

3 Two men playing chess.

Playful teaching of wisdom.

4 A little child learning to walk.

Learning through trial and error.

5 An old owl up in a tree. ​

Seeing the bigger picture.

6 A game of cricket.

The wisdom of games.

7 Cupid knocking at the door.

An invitation for an intimate connection at the expense of a bit of your freedom.

8 Rocks and things forming therein.

A thing and its consequences.

9 A mother with her children on the stairs.

Responsibilities are roots.

10 A golden haired 'goddess of opportunity'.

Undertaking big adventures.

11 The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple.

Awakening to higher wisdom.

12 A flag that turns into an eagle that crows.

Ideas that turn into wings spread to fly.

13 A widow's past is brought to light.

Issues under the surface.

14 The Pyramids and the Sphinx.

Ancient wisdom.

15 The groundhog looking for its shadow. ​

Awareness of cause and effect.

16 Sea gulls watching a ship.

The arrival of a big mission.

17 An Easter sunrise service.

Renewal energy.

18 Tiny children in sunbonnets.

Enjoy responsibly.

19 Pelicans moving their habitat.

The home is where the heart is. A home within.

20 Men cutting through ice. ​

Exploration with an open mind.

21 A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses.

Adopting a new point of view.

22 A Chinese laundry.

Respect for tradition and roots.

23 Immigrants entering.

New people, new places.

24 A bluebird standing at the door of the house.

Home bliss.

25 A chubby boy on a hobbyhorse.

The start of mixing human and animalistic elements.

26 A flag-bearer.

Duty to a cause.

27 A sculptor.

A creator.

28 An old bridge over a beautiful stream.

A human creation that complements nature.

29 A fat boy mowing the lawn.

Controling (shaping) objects vs controling (shaping) the self.

30 The Pope.

Wisdom undisputed.