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the male domicile of Jupiter

June 30, 2022

Sagittarius is the sign associated with the thirst for truths of life. For them, life is about breaking free from our physical reality, our animalistic nature, and moving towards the divine. As a result, they disregard human-made, geographical, social divisions between people and try to understand the underlying logic of the World. They embrace travel, exploration, philosophy and religion as the means to achieve that.

Sagittarius people live dynamically, in search of truth and gaining experience. Traditionally, this sign is very optimistic, cheerful and enjoys going out in a large company. Freedom is their birthright - freedom to explore, to take on challenges, to make mistakes, to learn. The World is here to be known through experience.

Sag people have broad range of interests and usually know a little bit about pretty much everything. They freely mix and match knowledge from different domains to create an entirely new picture. They don't like deadlines and restrictions and prefer to follow their own instincts than draw detailed plans. Where will tomorrow take him/her? Even he/she couldn't tell you.

This love for freedom and roaming can make Sag people seem unreliable and irresponsible. They certainly don't like commitments and feeling bogged down. But you have to forgive them. They are the adventurers of the zodiac, decided to put themselves through all experiences that life has to offer. Life is an unfolding story and they are genuinely excited about what tomorrow might bring.

People born under this sun sign are open-minded and offer acceptance to all sorts of people. Their friend circles often include people from all sorts of walks of life and nationalities. They jump at every opportunity to learn something new through first-hand experiences and to expand their horizons. They live on the go, with optimism and idealism that are contagious.

The sure-fire way to push them away is to try and limit their freedom. Give them a routine. Tell them they need a 9-to-5 office job in bureaucracy. Tell them they need to pick one field and one field only and focus on it. Tell them they need to commit and that it is impossible to avoid getting stuck in a rut as life goes on.

In relationships, they look for someone who is as passionate about life as they are. Someone they can grow with. They love outdoor activities so preferably their partner will like them too. They like moving and socializing. Sag people usually have a friend or two in several foreign countries whom they like to visit every now and then. These people are rarely alone, they love talking and exchanging ideas or simply narrating past adventures.

What captivates people with this sun sign is a partner who, like them, longs for the new and the exciting. Sedentary life scares Sagittarius to death. These people does not tolerate boredom and monotony. The moment they feel them approaching, they pack their bags for a road trip.

Sagittarius is here to teach the rest of the signs the importance of experiencing the world beyond your cultural and social conditioning; the value of breaking free from the mundane and the practical and studying this place called Earth.