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The Astrology of

Aquarius Season (2023)

January 17, 2023

This year's Aquarius Season begins on January 21st when the Sun exits an intense conjunction with Pluto in the last degrees of Cap and enters 0 Aquarius.

Just a day later, on January 22nd, we will have this season's New Moon at 1 degree of the sign. This is an exceptionally interesting New Moon because - New Moons are new beginnings, they open a 14-day, 6-month or 18-month cycle. And in this case, the new beginning happens at a degree of the zodiac which Pluto (death, rebirth, transformation) will engage with as soon as March 23 this year. This is also a degree which Saturn ("the stern father of the zodiac") and Jupiter (expansion, optimism, new horizons, growth) highlighted with their Great Conjunction in December of 2020. Although we are not yet under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, this New Moon will be relevant to the upcoming new chapter. Stay alert for signs and synchronicities!

There is more :)

The New Moon in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (the ancient ruler of the sign) and Uranus (the modern ruler of the sign). At the time of the New Moon, Saturn (bottom-up structures, limitations) will be conjunct Venus (money, romance, partnerships) and Uranus will be stationary in preparation to go direct. When a planet is stationary it is more powerful, Uranian energy will be magnified.

Overall, this New Moon marks a new beginning somewhere in our lives which will be marked by Uranus's rebellious, forward-moving, traditions-bending energy and Venus's positive edge-blunting impact on Saturn. This is a positive blend of the themes of the Saturn-Uranus square we had in 2021 and 2022. Expect new beginnings built on the resolution of this square and a prelude to Pluto in Aquarius.

The second important moment in the Season is around February 4th and 5th when we will have a Full Moon in Leo with a Sun-Uranus square in the mix. The Sun, the Moon and Uranus (which will still be pretty much stationary) will form a T-square. Saturn, the planet that for the past 2 years has been hitting the breaks on Uranus, will be away so... this is a great forward momentum, favourable for innovation and breakthroughs.

Around the same time, we will also have Venus (by now in the sign of Pisces) squaring Mars (still in Gemini but moving forward slowly). Mars in Gemini is about verbal combat. Venus is about diplomacy and tact and when in Pisces, it is about beautiful unisons. Venus is exalted in Pisces - she is better placed than Mars in Gemini. This is a meeting of complementary parts that involves some unpleasant words but ultimately ends on a cooperative note.

And the third significant period this Aquarius Season is February 15th and 16th when Venus will conjoin Neptune and the Sun will conjoin Saturn. Venus-Neptune is about deep and dreamy partnerships, beautiful visions, a spike in optimism and love for the world. Sun-Saturn is more mature and grounded energy of things finally finding structure and resolution. This is an interesting combo of energies to have at once because Venus-Neptune will flood your world with love and a sense of being one with the world around you but there is no practical, material basis to it. It is just a very feel-good day which does not, by itself, rest on actual positive/beneficial developments in your life. Sun-Saturn, however, is exactly that - it is the moment all things fall into place in the objective, practical, material reality. Saturn brings the structure needed in this area of your life. Usually, this happens with a sense of restrictions, of having to control and limit yourself in order to achieve something. But with Venus/Neptune in the air - the overall feeling of this period will be much more positive.

Outside of these three main periods of the Season, there are two more dates worth mentioning. On January 28th, the Sun will square the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes are creating a tension of opposites somewhere in our lives and the Sun going through the point of bending of the Nodes (hitting a 90-degree angle to them) suggests that on this day, something will happen that will give you a hint on how to blend the two energies - how to let go and how to move forward in a productive way. Then on February 10th, Mercury will conjoin Pluto - expect deep conversations, deep psychological revelations. This is a day on which connecting with Plutonian energy will be easier and will help us understand Pluto's influence on our lives on a rational, mental and logical levels.

Let me know in the comments down below how this plays out for you :)