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The Astrology of

Capricorn Season 2022

December 16, 2022

This year's Capricorn Season is a time of great beginning that starts off with laying down a detailed game plan.

The Season starts on December 22 when the Sun enters Cap and immediately hits a square to Jupiter at 0 of Aries. The Sun and the Great Benefic will form a square across the world axis (0 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn). Even though squares are tense aspects of struggle, when Jupiter is involved this is less about a struggle and more about a big push to do something. Squares propel us to act and Jupiter is such an optimistic planet that even when it forms squares they tend to be more positive than negative.

Every time that the Sun crosses the world axis this is a time of great beginning in some quadrant of our chart, with Jupiter involved in this beginning it will be even bigger. Add to this the fact that this month's New Moon will take place at 1 degree of Cap (on December 23) and will be involved in this square - a big new beginning indeed.

Of note - Mercury (communication, logic, rational thinking) will be Rx from December 29th until January 18th (for almost the entire Cap Season). So even though there is this new positive grand beginning, before we truly kick off the new venture, some thorough planning is needed. Mercury in Cap is about thinking through the practical details, the practical logistics of the move.

Or, if we flip the tone of that previous paragraph, there is a grand new beginning and luckily we are given the time to work out the details in more... detail.

On January 1st Venus (money, relationships, romance) will conjoint Pluto - expect some intensity around finances and human entanglements. Some truths will be coming out but this doesn't mean there will be a big fight or an explosive outburst. Rather, it's about that saying "when people show you who they are, trust them".

Ten days later, Venus will square the Nodes of the Moon. She lastly did that around August 25th from the sign of Leo (now she is doing it from Aquarius). The eclipses that we have across Tau-Sco axis are asking us to make a change in our lives and Venus will be highlighting this transition. But Venus is a planet of diplomacy, relationships and building bridges so chances are on January 10th, we will come up with a middle way between the outdated past and the radical future.

On January 12th, Mars will station direct in Gemini! For pretty much all of the month the planet will be moving slowly so expect some frustration and stagnation in the Gemini area of your chart. The stationing will take place at around 8 degrees of Gemini. The last time Mars was there was in the first week of September.

And lastly for the Season, on January 18th the Sun will conjoin Pluto. This is a powerful aspect of coming to yourself and gaining a deep insight into what it is that you really want and need and who you really are. It lasts only for a day and we have it every year, so it isn't that big of a deal but nevertheless, if you pay attention to synchronicities you may find that missing piece of information about your higher self that will help you make your next move. Enjoy and savor the moment because this is (almost) the last time that the Sun and Pluto will conjoin in Capricorn in our lifetimes. Next year, they will meet for a few minutes at 29 degrees and 59 minutes before both of them, later that same day, move into Aquarius. So in a sense, this Jan 18th is sort of a good moment to look back and for a closure of the Plutonian transformation that has been a backdrop of your life in the past 14 years.