The Astrology of Leo Season 2022
The Astrology of Leo Season 2022
making sense of the stars

The major storyline unfolding in the month of August is the reactivation of the Saturn-Uranus square.
As the Sun transits the sign of Leo, it reactivates it and on the 11 of the month it will hit a square to Uranus and 3 days later on the14 it will stand in the sky in exact opposition to Saturn. The Sun is the major organizing principle of our solar system, the identity of the times. In Leo, it focuses on having fun, creativity and living out the child within. As it squares Uranus, attempts at innovative and unorthodox ways of doing things will be made and then checked by the mature and structurizing power of Saturn. Not all hope is lost, though.
The month itself starts with a bang - a Uranus-Mars-North Node conjunction in Taurus. Mars (the match that lights up the latent fire) and the North Node (divine increase) give Uranus (revolution, innovation) a major boost that Saturn (tradition, maturity) can't resist on its own in Aquarius. So the Uranian changes that each of us has been trying to implement in our lives since early 2021 will get a significant boost this month. This is a radical new beginning that starts abruptly and obviously and demands to have its day. Later in the month, Saturn will add a bit its grounding influence to the mix, but powerful as it is it is no match for the trio in Taurus. The bottom line is that at the end of the month the changes that you have been trying to make in your life since 2021 will finally be out in the open.
Imagine it like this: you have been working on a new building. You want to do something different, something unusual. So far you have been stuck with bureaucracy, getting all necessary permissions, doing the paperwork etc. This whole process has been getting on your nerves and you want to break free from all these unnecessary restrictions. Well, I have good news for you. August is the month you get to lay down the first brick :) Down the line there are a few bumps. You will need to deal with a few more documents, permissions and visits to the bureaucracy-verse. But all in all, this is the month, the egg out of which your new reality has been trying to come out cracks.
This was the major storyline - we have a few other transits happening in the sky.
Venus (money, love, art, luxury) will be leaving the nurturing homebody sign of Cancer and enter the glamorous and sparkling sign of Leo on the 11th. The planet will first trine Neptune in Pisces (on the 7th of August), then oppose Pluto in Capricorn (on the 8th of August) and then trine Jupiter in Aries (on the 18th of August). On the 7th, watch out for things that are too good to be true. Enjoy the overwhelming influx of Neptunian bliss but make no mistake - little of this will last past the transit. And this transit is short because on the very next day Venus will meet Pluto (power struggles, control, dirty secrets). On the 18th, make sure excesses do not go overboard. Jupiter expands and you should take advantage of that opportunity but make sure you know when to stop.
Towards the end of the month, Venus will square Uranus (on the 26th) and oppose Saturn (on the 28th) inserting itself in between the Saturn-Uranus square and highlighting the importance of liquid cash and assets in the struggle between the Old and the New.
Mars's journey this month is also playing into that struggle. It starts the month in a conjunction with Uranus, then squares Saturn (on the 7th), then trines Pluto (on the 14th) and then squares the Sun (on the 28th). Meaning: it will first help Uranus with the revolution, then get a bit of a check from Saturn, then get much love from Pluto (death, rebirth, transformation, accelerating the collapse of the old) and then exchange unpleasant looks with the Sun (at this point in the Saturn-friendly sign of Virgo demanding structure, logic and order in words and actions). From the 20th onwards until the rest of the year Mars will be in Gemini - pay attention to where that falls in your chart and what new storylines begin to unfold there around the 20th. Mars's influence is quite noticeable so you will have no trouble identifying those. These new storylines will potentially get complicated and some revision will be needed as Mars turns retrograde on October 30th.
On the 22nd of the month, the Sun will enter Virgo marking the start of Virgo Season 2022. Happy birthday to all Virgos out there! As the Sun and its entourage (Venus and Mercury) move through this sign they will shift the focus from the Saturn-Uranus square to other themes in our lives. What will these be? We will discuss next time :)