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The Astrology of Pisces Season

No day is insignificant

February 14, 2023

This year's Pisces Season is an interesting one. Pisces is a sign of sonftness, floating, dreaming, drifting - transition from a cold, harsh winter (Aquarius) to the new and exciting beginning of a whole new cycle (Aries). It is also a sign of completion and dissolution so don't be surprised if you feel drawn to taking stock of the past 12 months and evaluating the bigger picture of your life.

The main new beginning this month is Saturn's exit from Aquarius and entry into Pisces - the Lord of Karma will bring his seriousness, maturity and stagnation to an area that has been over-Neptunianised. A cold harsh awakening is in store in this area of life. Not so much because Saturn is an "evil" planet but because Neptune in Pisces is an explosion of Neptunian "head in the clouds" kind of mindset and situation. From this March onwards and for the next three years, Saturn will but cutting off (typical of him ;), if you know the myth ) excesses and in this case, the excesses will be of Neptunian feel-good/un-founded otpimism. Neptune is about spilling yourself, Saturn is about putting the form back in. Saturn will not undo everything that Neptune has done in the Piscean area of your life so far, but it will bring some "order in the house".

This will be particularly important for the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces) who have been under Neptune's direct influence since 2013.

The main energy of the Season though will not be about Saturn becaseu the planet is just making its ingress and so it will take some time for it to be felt. Also, it is ingressing on the 7th of March which is when the Season is already in its second half.

The main focus will be Jupiter. The planet of abundance is transiting Aries and is approaching the mid-degrees of the sign, meaning the energy is full-blown. Jupiter ging through the zodiac is like a magnifying glass going through the different areas of your life. This house becomes the focus of your life in terms of day-to-day activities. It may not be most important for the heart but it definately takes up a lot of the attention of the mind. So this Pisces Season, expect the focus to be on the Piscean house of your life but also on the Aries house.

Now, let's take a closer look at specific dates!

On the 18th of February, we have the New Moon in Pisces at 1 degree of the sign foreshadowing the theme in your life that Saturn will work on when it makes its own ingress on March 7th. New Moons are new beginnings and when they are at 1 degree this double-highlights the newness of this beginning. Events around this date will be a clear indicator of what exactly Saturn will be working on. Also, keep in mind that later this year, Saturn will station Rx and the go back to 0 of Pisces and station direct at that 0 degree again. So this 0-1 degree of Pisces will be very highlighted again in the autumn. I.e whatever it is, it will be a recurring theme and will require belt-tightening sobriety.

Then on the 19th, Venus enters Aries. Or to be more precise, Venus joins Jupiter in Aries. The exact conjunction is on March 1st in the mid-degrees (very potent degrees! at 12 degrees to be more precise) but the theme begins to unfold at the time of the ingress. The meaning of this transit will be different for different people but you can catch the signs of where things are going yourself by keeping track of Venus's movement.

Two days later, on the 21 and 22 of February, Mercury (comunication, information, the mind) will square Uranus and then quickly move on to trine Mars. Its quick movement will blend these two energies - expect groundbreaking ideas and outspoken attitudes. March 2nd is an interesting day for Mercury. This is when it will conjoin Saturn at 29 of Aquarius (the last, final degree) and I suspect this might be a day of realisation about what Saturn has done, has tried to teach you.

On the 6th of March, we are going to have the Full Moon at 15 degrees (again the mid-degrees) which will be in a loose square to Mars at 21 of Gemini. This is a period of intense letting go. An emotional dreamy release that feels like closing a chapter on a somewhat energised note.

On March 12th Neptune will square Mars (this is the 3rd square we have) and then Mercury will also get in the mix on the 16th. This is a period of very intense delusion; feeling propelled to take action but knowing full well that you don't have the full picture. Beware of getting high on your feelings, morals and ideals. On the 18th, Mercury will enter Aries - communication is no longer subdued and symbollic, no longer about ideals and morals. It is direct, to the point, no filter. All card are on the table and the game is ON.

On the 17th, Venus eneters its home sign of Taurus. Relationships, commitements, and financial matters begin to go much smoother. Pay close attention to what themes in your life Venus opens up because just a few weeks later, Jupiter will also enter Taurus and bring his magnifying glass to this area of your life.

In conclusion, Pisces is a mutable sign and the mutable signs are about transitions and wrapping things up. What has been so far is dissolved in preparation for a new beginning. With Saturn's entry into Pisces this spells the end of Neptune's free reign in this sign - this is one closure. The second closure is the final Neptune-Mars square. Mars has been in Gemini and communicating with Neptune since last summer. This theme in your life, whatever it might have been, is coming to an end.

Aries season will have a much different vibe than the last few months! Truly, a new beginning.