The Eleventh House
The Eleventh House
networks and alliances
The 11th house is one of the luckiest houses int he chart, sometimes called "The House of Good Spirit". The motion of the sky is carrying planets in the 11th house towards the pinnacle of the chart thereby bringing an overwhelming sense of hope, motivation and positive ambition. The best is yet to come.
This house is also associated with networks and alliances. Planets here indicate how our relationship with social networks will be and how we will behave within them. Social media standing and fanbase also fall within this house.
Sun in the 11th house links the person's identity to group networks and professional alliances. "I am only as powerful as my networks. Without networks, the individual is powerless." It might sound harsh but luckily these people are gifted with the ability to influence society. The have a knack for organizing people around causes and shared interests, particularly groups aimed at improving the world. These people are not concerned with the individual but with the group and its power to act on social ideals.
What is of great interest for people with this placement are processes within society and the world at large, not the personal feelings, likes and dislikes of the individual. There is a sense of detachment form personal pains and joys, but there is also a need to connect with people in some way. The result is a mental connection based on shared goals and vision for the future.
The 11th house is the third and last house of relationships. The 3rd house deals with connections based on shared location, the 7th house deals with relationships based on compatible personality traits, this last relational house deals with intellectual communities based on shared destination.
A person with the Moon in the 11th house will derive their sense of emotional safety from their association with larger groups and networks. They are aware of how fragile the individual can be and how unbreakable a community can be. Knowing that their values and ideals are shared by many people gives them a sense of comfort and faith in their own abilities.
This goes both ways. These people need groups but they are also the ones that the group needs. Why? Because they take care of everyone in a family-like fashion. They bring warmth into the alliance. Their secret to success is their good intuition effortlessly guiding them on how to influence and motivate the masses.
With this placement, there is an emphasis not so much on shared ideas but on shared emotions and the role of these shared emotions in activism and mobilization. One person’s feelings matter in as much as his or her feelings are representative of the feelings of million others in the same layer of society.
People with this placement are attracted to partners who are established community leaders.
Mercury is about communication and when in the 11th house of social groups, it creates people who have a strategic approach to building groups and teams. They are also good at communicating and communication is vital for large groups. Mercury helps with keeping the conversation going when people run out of things to say. And in a light and cheerful manner. It also makes sure that information flows to everyone in the group. In short, people with this placement are the best people to have at a party.
Venus in the 11th house brings her impeccable social etiquette to the house of groups and networks. There is increased concern with displaying proper manners when among people. This in turn leads to increased popularity and business opportunities. Venus brings a warm touch to otherwise less personal connections.
With Venus in this house, the person is involved with groups that have been formed around aesthetics, art and diplomacy rather than groups revolving around less glamourous topics. Venus loves opportunities to display her graces so neck-and-tie networking events are her forte.
Mars in this house can play out in two ways.
The first possibility is that Mars takes the lead and becomes the leader of the pack. This way he gets to shine, to lead into a battle, to be admired, to be seen as strong and powerful - just what this energy is all about.
The second possibility is that to a Mars who wants to shine alone, the collective nature of this house feels suffocating and as if it is erasing his individuality. Then Mars can be problematic, he can be the party pooper, the one that always causes problems in the group and seeks to divide the community. Mars needs a war and to win this war. If he can gain this sensation through leading the group into a battle and protecting the group from external threats - great. Allowed to shine, Mars can be a vehicle for constructive social change. But if that's not the case, he will be the most problematics link in the chain.
Jupiter is an energy of welcoming and accepting all that the universe has created, everyone is welcome to be themselves and add to the richness of the world. This predisposition fits more than well in the 11th house of groups. With Jupiter here, the person has the talent to make any shy newcomer feel like they belong with this community. What's more, they know how to use the diversity of the group to create more money and opportunities.
Jupiter is about expansion. A person with this energy in the 11th house knows of a lot of groups, maintains connections with people from various walks of life and has friends in various countries.
Jupiter’s charisma, positivity and laid-back attitude easily make these people one of the key people in the group. Their ability to get along with pretty much everyone is also a plus that can win them the leadership position.
Saturn in the 11th house brings the need for structure and discipline within the group. Groups that are too informal and loose make Saturn lose patience and quit the group altogether. Groups where discipline and structure are the norm soothe and motivate Saturn. Such groups can be the military and big corporations. Groups based on shared hobbies feel too loose and airy for Saturn. Networking requires loosening up and exchanges that aren't outcome-oriented - Saturn doesn't see the point of anything that isn't oriented towards a clear measurable outcome. Groups created around shared desire for a specific material outcome attract Saturn. Groups created around shared "soft topics" repel it.
If the group has a clear agenda, Saturn can shine as a leader. He will be one of those leaders that keep the group on-track towards a goal. In groups without a clearly-defined desired outcome, Saturn feels lost and rejected.
Many politicians and lobbyists have this placement.
Uranus in the 11th house is about organizing groups for the promotion of progressive social ideals. Uranus here is in his forte and very tolerant for all peculiarities that the individual members of the group may exhibit. Unlike Saturn, Uranus prefers groups that are more loose, where there is more freedom and flexibility.
At a social gathering, Uranus would prefer to talk not only about what has brought everyone together, but also about all their side interests that are unique to each person. Uranus is not afraid of illuminating and even highlighting individualities. Sometimes in groups, people prefer to focus on the theme of the group, on the shared interest only, but Uranus is never afraid to let individualities shine.
In terms of transits, reversals in alliances can be expected. The networks that this individual belongs to may be focused on technology and the power of science to help build better societies.
Here, Uranus finds the only type of relationships it likes - based on shared intellectual pursuits; based on intellectual exchanges rather than emotional pursuits.
Neptune in the 11th house brings about a blurring of the line between the individual and the group. There is a love for blending in with everyone else in one "soup" of energies. For Neptune, this is an opportunity to experience compassion, belonging and acceptance. There is a preference for spiritual and artistic communities rather than, say, scientific communities.
On the negative side, someone with this placement can get swept-up into the group's movements, emotions and decisions. Neptune here can get lost in the crowd. Another potential negative scenario is to discover that the group isn't really a group - everyone is focused on their own agenda; every man for himself. Egoistical interests continue to exist, and at times prevail within the group.
In terms of behavior, people with this placement are kind and gentle which makes them popular at social gatherings. Additionally, they have a talent for sensing out the social dynamics which helps them fit in. But with this placement, there is also an indication that some sort of deceit with regard to alliances can be in the cards for the individual.
Pluto in the 11th house of social gatherings and group belongings is constantly preoccupied with the question of trust and betrayal. This is Pluto’s most sensitive spot which is why this planet likes to carefully handpick the people around it. When you take this predisposition and put it in an environment with a lot of loosely-connected people with dubious agenda, Pluto feels threatened.
People with this placement don't like it when too many random people have access to them. At social gatherings, Pluto is constantly reminded of the power balances and checks within social exchanges. It immediately notices who has the power, how that power plays out and how people behave when they have no power. Who is sucking up to who, for the sake of what etc.
Ideally, Pluto prefers close-knit communities comprised of a few time-tested people. Large and loose gatherings are not its forte. If forced to operate within a large community, Pluto sees the situation as an opportunity to do people watching and analysis while remaining hidden in the background to avoid exposure and unwanted attention to his affairs.