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The Fifth House

all the things we bring to life

June 25, 2022

The fifth house is one of the luckiest houses in astrology due to its location which allows access to the life-giving and life-affirming energy of the 1st house. Called "The Joy of Venus", this house is associated with children, creative projects, hobbies and fun.


People with the Sun in the fifth house are natural entertainers and creators. They feel at their best when they can feely express themselves. If they can be their uninhibited selves, they shine. They want freedom to do whatever they feel like doing, for example singing or socializing or reading a book in a quiet café. The actual activity doesn't matter. They just want to be themselves, unrestricted, in which sense, they resemble children. Their desire to give something from themselves to the world is very childlike in the best of senses.

This placement creates people who like attention as a validation for their creative and leadership talents. There is something about someone, who is so confident as to ask for everyone’s attention, that inspires respect in others, and they begin to see you as an authority figure. If unable to express themselves, either because of restriction from others or because of inability to find a creative outlet, people with this placement can chose chronic partying, alcohol and gambling as substitutes.


The Moon in the fifth house creates a person whose emotional wellbeing is connected to how freely they can express themselves vs how forced they are to act like mature grown-ups. If life is all about the grind, the strict, the sober, these people weather and die. If life is all about childlike expression of your creative energies, they flourish emotionally.

With the Moon here, life doesn't necessarily have to be playful but it has to feel that way. Even if they are forced to deal with harsh circumstances, they can only do that if they perceive the situation is an avenue for self-expression and validation. There is an amplified need for artistic expression, for creating something regardless of its artistic merits.

This is a placement with which people find inner satisfaction through sharing themselves with the world. Socializing, creating, organizing events, groups or communities, being in leadership positions, creating and sharing is where they feel most "at home".


Mercury in the fifth house brings the desire for flexibility and communication to the house of fun, creating and sharing. This placement is likely to make the individual a person who has tried every sort of fun there is out there, and who is quite good at a number of different hobbies. Rock climbing - check. Piano lessons - check. Picnics - check. You name it. They are simultaneously part of several clubs and involved in as many side projects as possible.

They love public speaking. Speaking comes as the easiest way to express oneself and they realize their gift early on. Verbal or written communication becomes the preferred vehicle for self-expression. Writing, blogging, teaching are common hobbies. Especially, teaching because it mixes information, communication, the spotlight and playfulness.


Venus in the fifth house brings beauty, measure and harmony to hobbies and creativity. These people are natural seducers, they don't have to try to please everyone, they achieve that effect naturally. Their charisma is unmistakable. They effortlessly attract admirers, fans and followers. Hobbies include going to galleries, learning about art, doing visual arts, fashion shows, anything high-brow, luxurious, pricey and graceful.

The activities that would serve as a vehicle for self-expression will have to be Venusian i.e. to ooze style, balance, class and taste. Attending cocktails, gallery openings, opera performances, expensive, small-portions restaurants, all sorts of high-quality experiences are much favored.

There is a dilemma whether to please others or focus on pleasing oneself, and usually the life of the individual is a mixture of both.


Mars in the house of self-expression and hobbies creates an individual with a strong preference for sports. Any sort of competitive physical exertion is welcome here. Give them challenges that can be conquered, give them situations where they can push their limits and outdo themselves. This is one of Mars’s favorite houses because there are less restrictions and much more freedom to express the kind of energy that Mars wants to let out.


When Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, falls in the 5th house, this amplifies the prominence of this house. The person is likely to place a lot of emphasis on free-spirited self-expression, roaming, wanderlust, anything that gives the feeling of freedom and cosmopolitanism, attending parties, having a lot of children or pets, travelling for fun etc.

Jupiter's hobbies will always somehow involve foreign countries, languages and cuisines. People with this placement always know what's trendy and what's the latest in culture and entertainment. With an open heart and an open mind, they are easily the life of the party and as a result very good at networking. Because of their cosmopolitan interests, they have something to add to every topic, a thing to say in every conversation. Largeness and cosmopolitanism is the mirror of Jupiter in the fifth house.


Saturn in the fifth house tends to restrict childlike self-expression. The individual grows up and matures quickly, either out of necessity or by their own will. People with this placement take on a serious, shy, introspective and responsible nature from a very young age. Letting your hair down feels alien. Saturn frowns upon activities that embody an energy opposite of discipline and self-control.

Hobbies will be practical and focus on helping the individual grow up and prepare for adult life, for working, for making money, for climbing the career ladder. More specifically, hobbies will include reading, watching documentaries, studying even for fun, learning practical skills. There is a sense of fear from letting your hair down because it can cause embarrassment and loss of self-control.

These people avoid parties because the overall energy there is one of loosening up. Flirting and passing romance are foreign because dating is taken seriously.


Uranus in the fifth house brings unusual hobbies that reflect progressive ideas (activism) and emphasize authenticity in self-expression. Pets can be unusual too, like a crocodile or several parrots, for example. Their preferred parties are the ones where you can meet rebels, artists, social outcasts, anyone who is non-traditional.

People with this placement put a lot of focus on their individuality and like to express it through unusual means - a strange sense of fashion, new types of accessories, anything and everything that has not been seen before.

In terms of destiny, Uranus is the planet of reversals so sudden raptures with previous interests or identities is possible. Coldness and detachment with romantic affairs and unexpected pregnancies can also be suggested.

Honesty is valued as a synonym for authenticity, and originality is valued as a symbol for independent, free thought.


People with Neptune in the 5th house are often very drawn to self-expression through esoteric and metaphysical activities, as well as the arts, particularly acting, music and poetry.

On the negative side, Neptune, the planet of escapism, in the house of partying can indicate a susceptibility to alcohol and drug problems, as well as gambling. People with this placement are alluring and charming and easily fit into social gatherings.

When it comes to dating - they can be easily swept off of their feet and overlook the practical differences with their partner. Gaslighting is also possible when they decide to withdraw from the world.


Pluto, the planet of catharsis, in the 5th house of fun and creativity results in passion for all things taboo. Going for everything that makes us feel intoxicated. No hobby or product of self-expression is vanilla. Self-expression in itself is taken very intensely, Plutonian-ly and seriously. No tolerance is allowed for inhibition of the freedom to be yourself.

With Pluto’s determination and focus, the creative projects that are started are finished and with outstanding quality. Having children may not be on the agenda at first but once they do come, the person will be just as dedicated to parenting as they are to their creativity.

Pluto is about depth, psychology and psychoanalysis, ultimately, about the true nature of a person. The original authentic self. Pluto in the 5th house creates an individual with a clear, un-sugarcoated understanding of the value and necessity for self-expression for the overall mental health.

Pluto here understands the power struggle between inhibition and freedom to be yourself and firmly defends freedom. Intensity is brough to this sector of the chart as a symbol of the recognized importance of this house in the creation of a happy life.