The Hermit
The Hermit
Search the soul

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The Hermit stands in the snow against a bleak background. The barren landscape and the grey colours create an environment empty of distractions. He holds a lantern containing a six-pointed star comprised of two triangles - one pointing upward and one pointing downward. Together they symbolise the elements of Fire and Water. This card indicates withdrawal from distractions to activate the subconscious mind.
General Meaning
In a general reading, The Hermit indicates a need to retreat from active life in order to reflect. A goal has been set, a journey has been commenced, the first part of it has been completed and now the time comes for reflection on which actions had been useful and which wasted. This analysis will be used later when the Hermit re-enters the world.
During this period of withdrawal, the Hermit may listen to his inner voice or consult a teacher, he may meditate or dream. The aim is to silence the mind for only then can he glimpse behind the veil of the High Priestess.
Sometimes, this card indicates travel to faraway places where the mind can be away from the chatter of everyday life. It can also signify a departure from a situation which no longer serves our spiritual growth. It comes with the feeling that we all have our own path to discover, make and walk.
In Reverse
The Hermit in reverse signifies that the querant is deliberately keeping busy to avoid doing the inner search that the upright Hermit card requires. He or she may be working unsocial hours or taking on more projects than he/she can handle in order to avoid the call for self-awareness. It indicates preference for the comfort of the established over the pains of growth.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship meaning, the Hermit can indicate that the person feels alone in their relationship. Part of his or her emotional needs are not being met and it might be time to take a step back from a commitment in order to decide how to proceed. One of the partner may spend more time away from the other in order to find answers. Alternatively, one of the partner may be helping the other in finding deeper truths.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Hermit indicates a period in which you re-evaluate your career choices. You withdraw within to examine if your current job still reflects who you are and where you are going.
In reverse, it indicates unsuccessful attempts to fit within an environment that is no longer aligned with your values and goals. As a result - becoming an outcast at work.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the card indicates withdrawal from financial and material matter. It suggests you may be taking a break from focusing on money-making to rediscover the deeper meaning of material security.
In reverse, it indicates spending or investment that is not aligned with your spiritual values.