Uranus Goes Rx
Uranus Goes Rx
Stalling the revolution (with love and money)
August 24 2022 is upon us and Uranus is about to turn around for its yearly Rx motion. The planet will (seemingly) be moving backwards until January 23 2023. In general, that is not something unusual - Uranus retrogrades every year for several months and since it entered Taurus in 2019, it has been Rx-ing between the end of August and the end of January every year. But...
... there is a Big But here ...
...a few things complicate the picture - the Nodes of the Moon and Saturn.
Uranus is at 18 degrees and 55 mins now and it will Rx all the way back to 14 degrees of Taurus. That's exactly where the planet was in the last week of April before we had our first eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
Uranus is revolution, change, chaos, novelty.
Rx motion is revision, a slow-down, a re-think, a re-approach, re-strategize moment.
So all the changes/progress we have made in the Taurus area of our lives (the house in which Taurus falls in your chart) will be subject to revision all the way back to the 1st eclipse (April 30 2022). Eclipses are powerful. Eclipses are when destiny steps in to correct our course and align us more fully with out true path. Chances are you have made a significant leap in your life (the Taurean area of it) since the end of April and now all of that effort/success is subject to cosmic revision. That's a bit unsettling.
Speaking of eclipses, in November we will have two more of them, this time in the very very intense sign of Scorpio. Eclipses are intense anyway, when in Scorpio - that's turbo intensity. And when that turbo intensity is placed in exact opposition to Uranus (chaos, erratic behavior) the result is ... well, unpredictible but it will be HUGE.
As it moves Rx, Uranus will re-hit that square to Saturn that we have been living in since December 2021. This is the last and final time that Saturn and Uranus will face each other off in a tense aspect so after that we will be free of its bondage but for now...brace yourselves. Tradition, limitations, structure, boundaries, discipline will faces off against freedom, rebellion, revolution, protests, chaos and all of that amid Scorpio eclipse energy... suffice it to say it will be an unforgettable last quarter of the year.
Lastly, this Rx motion begins as Uranus is squaring Venus and it will end on January 23 2023 with Uranus squaring Venus again (at the time the planet of finance and romance will be half a zodiac away from its current position - in mid-Aquarius). Uranus is in Taurus and Venus is the ruler of Taurus. On one hand, Uranus (the people, rebellion) is fighting Big Power (Saturn), on the other, the economy (Venus) isn't helping either. Uranus is trying to revolutionize the Taurean area of our lives (wherever Taurus falls in your chart), yet the ruler of Taurus is hitting the breaks. And that on top of Saturn's limiting influence...
The only help for Uranus is coming from all the planets (includig the Sun and Lunar Nodes) which will enter Scorpio later in the year. But Scorpio, as I mentioned earlier, is an intense and explosive sign. A Sun in Scorpio is not going to support Uranus gently. It is going to support it in a Pluto-Marsian way. Volatility guaranteed.
On the level of our personal lives, my advice is to take 15 minutes and sit down and think about the lessons of that Saturn/Uranus square. What has this struggle been about for you personally? What did you learn? Chances are some setback is brewing and a good contingency plan might literally save your life :)